The Moon Mother® Path

Part 1 – What is a Moon Mother® ?

Maybe you’ve read or heard about Moon Mothers on the internet, or maybe you even know a Moon Mother, but you’re wondering… what it actually is. You’ve come to the right place.

First things first: there are many women who call themselves Moon Mothers. They are often companions, shamans, healers etc. But the women who have been trained by Miranda Gray as Moon Mothers® are a special group who all share the same path.

Miranda Gray herself says that these are women who have heard the call within themselves and their hearts to serve women and authentic femininity. However, this is not at all about ‘real’ femininity or ‘THE’ femininity, as one might quickly think, but rather about the expression of each individual woman who expresses what it means for her to be a woman through her authentic being. And what exactly do the Moon Mothers® according to Miranda Gray have to do with this? They support the path of every woman to express her authentic femininity in complete self-empowerment. And this in a world that is characterised by male views, values and expectations.

Being a woman, in a world that does not support and even represses our cyclical nature of constant change, is not easy, and often even hurtful when we are expected to be constantly productive and attractive.

Moon Mothers are trained by Miranda Gray in an energy teaching and practice to support women in discovering, recognising, respecting and actively expressing their authentic femininity in their lives in an empowered and powerful way.

But Moon Mothers® are even more: they are lighthouses and pioneers. They lead the way for all their recipients in their own private lives. In harmony with their personal cyclical energies, they create a life that supports their journey of discovery into their authentic feminine being. They are women, like you and me. They are your practice counsellor, your banker, your doctor, your friend or your sister.

Moon Mothers® is not only available here in Switzerland, Germany or Austria, France… No, there are Moon Mothers® all over the world. They practise in communities, or alone, for their communities, or their families (yes, they also support men with their energy work) and friends.

For me, after almost 10 years as a Moon Mother, it means nothing less than a profound change in the foundations on which our modern world functions.


Bettina Kreissl Lonfat
Moon Mother Level 3 & Maestra Teacher
Wisdom Keeper for the Womb Blessing® System